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Drewem TRD Pancake Day

DOB: 1/25/2024

Dam: Gypsy Moon MP Phat Tuesday (2xRsGCH)

DD: Winning Streak CM Dazzlin Diva 7*M

DS: Winning Streak EB Masterpiece *B (littermate brother to GCH Winning Streak EB Perfection EX91!)


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89


Style style STYLE, that’s what I think when I look at this little doe. Dealer absolutely hit the nail on the head with her and made every single improvement I was hoping he would. Pancake is a high headed, elegant kid who walks with a level rump and tracks straight from the front and rear. I appreciate her strength of bone as well as her brisket extension she is showing me at her size and age. She’s going to be a fun one to watch mature and freshen!


Drewem CC June Bug

DOB: 12/29/23

Dam: Gotta B Kid N Juniper

DD: Gotta B Kid N Jessica Jones

DS: Dragonfly SOL Rhaegal


Sire: Lilly Hill WH Charcoal Cloak *B

SD: Winning Streak EB Kiwi 3*M VEEV89 (daughter of the 2024 ADGA National Premier sire!)

SS: Hidden Hills Water Hawthorne *B


Junebug is the littermate sister to Willow above, and boy what a pair! They are both so angular and dairy, with lots of length of bone and femininity throughout. Junebug is incredibly long bodied and smooth, without carrying any excess flesh. Her escutcheon is pretty exciting too and if her rear view turns out anything like her dam, I’ll be pretty thrilled!! 

Drewem BM Love in the Wind

DOB: 3/12/2024

Dam: Sunny Daze R Casa Blanca 6*M (2xRsGCH)

DD: Sunny Daze Moonflower 5*M

DS: A Little Funny Farm Rumchata *B


Sire: Top Shelf J Best Man *B

SD: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS) 

SS: Gotta B Kid N Justify


Windy is a really fun little doe kid. She’s a super dairy kid that also excels in body capacity. She is quite deep bodied and well-sprung for her age and size, and it’s something I’ve appreciated about her since she was very young. She’s naturally high-headed on the move and angular throughout. I love the sharpness to her withers and the width that she tracks with between her hocks. And tell me that escutcheon isn’t INSANELY exciting?!

Windy is the very last doe carrying kids by Drewem TRD Jack-Pot *B, which is a light linebreeding on the one and only, Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B!


Drewem BM Ginger

DOB: 3/13/2024

Dam: Drewem MG Nori (1xGCH 1xBIS) 

DD: GCH Gypsy Moon Maiko 1*M EEEE90 (3xGCH 3xBOB)

DS: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH/BOB)


Sire: Top Shelf J Best Man *B

SD: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS) 

SS: Gotta B Kid N Justify


I’m struggling to find nice things to say about Gingy because she was SO naughty the first day we tried to get pictures of her. I’m used to a little fighting and screaming at first, since it’s usually my kids first time being collard and set up for these updated pictures. But she was so over the top, flailing, throwing herself on the ground, wailing, bearing down on the collar choking herself out, the whole nine yards. No amount of petting, playing nicey-nice, walking in circles, etc changed her behavior, so I put her back in her pen and said we would try again another day. I’m surprised none of my neighbors called someone, because I’m sure it sounded like a small child was in some serious pain.


So I tried again the next day and wouldn’t you know, she came out of the pen and parked herself all square and pretty like a seasoned little show goat, gave us pretty ears and everything, all in maybe 10 seconds or less. So I gave her lots of pets and put her away, not bothering with front or rear shots, to keep the experience pleasant for her and end on a good note.


With all of that said I’m quite pleased with the final result! I think it’s a nice representation of the lovely young doe I see in front of me each day. Feminine and dairy, which is pretty consistent of all of the Best Man daughters I have had born. She’s super open when you put your hands on her, and maintains that openness into her escutcheon. She is a granddaughter of one of my herd favorites, GCH Gypsy Moon Maiko *M EEEE90 and I can’t wait to watch her mature!

Hidden Hills Hopeless Romantic

DOB: 5/19/2024

Dam: Hidden Hills Whispered Hope

DD: Hidden Hills Sugar Magnolia 8*M EX90

DS: Wolfivan Jack Daniels *B (son to the 2024 ADGA National Champion - GCH Wolfivan CQ Ginger Root EX92!)


Sire: Wolfivan Mad Max *B

SD: Wolfivan WP Patchouli 3*M (VG87 @1yr - Maternal sister to the 2024 ADGA National Champion!)

SS: Agape's Prize Saint Dismus (son of the 2017 ADGA National Champion Sr Doe!)​


“Roma” (like the tomato), is just a wee little girl, but I’m already loving what I see, particularly the length of bone she shows, her femininity throughout, and the openness of rib and pliability of skin when you put your hands on her. I absolutely love the genetic package that this little girl brings with her, and I think it will be lots of fun to see what she is capable of, here on the east coast!

Here Be Goats AR Black Diamond

DOB: 8/6/2024

Dam: Gotta B Kid N Almas (littermate sister to our GCH Gotta B Kid N SweetgeorgiaBrown 1*M!)

DD: Gotta B Kid N Ossetra VG89

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B  (Littermate brother to SGCH Castle Rock Polar Vortex EX91!)


Sire: Agape's Prize Arch Rival

SS: Agape’s Prize Axl Rose CQ *B (Paternal brother to THREE National Champions, including the 2024 ADGA National Grand Champion and Best Udder!)

SD: CH Agape’s Prize Full Court Press EX90


I had every intention to retain one of my own summer kids this year, but my girls decided otherwise and BOTH blessed me with twin bucks. So when Kelley’s beautiful doe Almas, who just so happens to be the littermate sister to one of the best uddered does in my herd, had QUINTS in August with 4 does, I knew I had to bring one home! Diamond’s dam is a daughter of Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B and is the littermate sister to our GCH Gotta B Kid N SweetGeorgaBrown *M (2xBIS) who scored an incredible 48 in rear udder height in 2024! I LOVE this dam line and the consistency across the board is quite remarkable! Diamond’s sire is Agape’s Prize Arch Rival, an impressive yearling buck who is out of probably my favorite doe in the Agape Prize herd! Between National Champions, high appraisal scores, and just generation after generation of correct and productive dairy animals, I can’t contain my excitement for Diamond’s future!

Crews Creek TRD Blown Away

DOB: 9/26/24

Dam: 40 West Farm Sparkles (2xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS)

DD: CH 40 West Farm Paparazzi VEEE90

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


​Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89




Drewem TRD Ella Fitzgerald

DOB: 10/20/24

Dam: GCH Gotta B Kid N SweetGeorgaBrown 1*M (4xGCH 4xBOB 2xBIS)

DD: Gotta B Kid N Ossetra VEVE89

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


​Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem STN November Rain

DOB: 11/18/2024

Dam: Drewem MG Whole Lotta Rosie

DD: Gypsy Moon SW Hells Belles *M (1xGCH)

DS: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH/BOB)


Sire: Drewem MJ Second to None *B

SD: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS) 

SS: Lily Hill WH Moves Like Jagger *B (Littermate to our Fleur-de-Lis!)




Drewem TRD Lady May

DOB: 12/11/2024

Dam: GCH 3G Family Farm FarmersDaughter 5*M EX90 (3xGCH 3xBOB)

DD: GCH 3G Family Farm WM Apricot 4*M EX91

DS: Wood Bridge Farm BearNecessity +*B (Sire to 1st/1st Udder 4yo 2022 ADGA Nat Show)


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89




Drewem BA She's a Hoot

DOB: 12/11/2024

Dam: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS)
DD: 40 West Farm Orenda
DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B (sire to numerous EX90,91,92 daughters!)


Sire: Sunny Daze AR Best of All *B

SD: Sunny Daze Banana Baby 5*M

SS: Winning Streak R Axl Rose *B



Drewem JP Snow Cone

DOB: 12/23/2024

Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Snowflake 2*M EX90 AGS90.5

DD: GCH Winning Streak EB Snow Bunny 1*M EX90 (daughter of the 2024 ADGA National Premier sire!)

DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B


Sire: Drewem TRD Jack-Pot *B

SD: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SS: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (Pineapple Express daughter!)



Drewem STN Aurora Borealis

DOB: 12/26/2024

Dam: GCH Winning Streak CM Stella 2*M EX90 (1xBIS)

DD: Egidio WL Celesta 1*M

DS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Count on Me +*B


Sire: Drewem MJ Second to None *B

SD: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS) 

SS: Lily Hill WH Moves Like Jagger *B (Littermate to our Fleur-de-Lis!)




Drewem STN Villanelle

DOB: 1/1/2025

Dam: Gypsy Moon CB Lymerikk (1xGCH 1xBIS)

DD: GCH Winning Streak CM Snowflake 2*M EX90

DS: CUatLilRedBarn Cowboy *B


Sire: Drewem MJ Second to None *B

SD: GCH Top Shelf SMR She's the Best 1*M EX90 (3xGCH 2xBOB 1xBIS) 

SS: Lily Hill WH Moves Like Jagger *B (Littermate to our Fleur-de-Lis!)




Drewem JP Party Popper

DOB: 1/1/2025

Dam: Bridge Acres ARC Ruby 2*M

DD: GCH Bonnet Farm S Amethyst *M EX90

DS: Moon Station Arcturus *B (littermate to GCH Moon Station Ophelia EX93!)


Sire: Drewem TRD Jack-Pot *B

SD: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SS: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (Pineapple Express daughter!)




Drewem JP Champagne Toast

DOB: 1/1/2025

Dam: Bridge Acres ARC Ruby 2*M

DD: GCH Bonnet Farm S Amethyst *M EX90

DS: Moon Station Arcturus *B (littermate to GCH Moon Station Ophelia EX93!)


Sire: Drewem TRD Jack-Pot *B

SD: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SS: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (Pineapple Express daughter!)




Drewem RR Nyx

DOB: 1/1/25

Dam: GCH Winning Streak FF Maybelline 6*M EEEV89 (2xBIS)

DD: GCH Winning Streak EOT Amazing 5*M EEEE91

DS: Pixie Hollow NF Fix-it-Felix *B


Sire: Winning Streak R Regal Rose *B

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M (3rd/3rd udder 2021 ADGA Nationals)

SS: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B VVE89




Drewem JP Amazing Grace

DOB: 2/18/2025

Dam: Gypsy Moon FF Three Days Grace 8*M EX91.3

DD: Gypsy Moon Hott Miata 7*M (2xGCH 2xBOB)

DS: Pixie Hollow NF Fix-it-Felix *B (sire to our GCH Maybelline)


Sire: Drewem TRD Jack-Pot *B

SD: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SS: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (Pineapple Express daughter!)



Drewem TRD Puff Puff Pass

DOB: 2/18/25

Dam: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (2xBIS)

DD: GCH Gotta B Kid N Obeah *M EVEE91

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem TRD High on Life

DOB: 2/18/25

Dam: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (2xBIS)

DD: GCH Gotta B Kid N Obeah *M EVEE91

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem TRD Queen High

DOB: 2/18/25

Dam: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (2xBIS)

DD: GCH Gotta B Kid N Obeah *M EVEE91

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem TRD High Thyme

DOB: 2/18/25

Dam: GCH 40 West Farm Mary Jane *M EX90 (2xBIS)

DD: GCH Gotta B Kid N Obeah *M EVEE91

DS: Castle Rock Pineapple Express +*B


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem TRD Valentina

DOB: 2/14/25

Dam: Drewem MG Mon Cheri (1xGCH 1xBIS)

DD: Lily Hill WH Fleur-de-Lis 3*M (1xGCH)

DS: Gypsy Moon MP Mardi Gras *B (1xGCH/BOB)


Sire: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (3xGCH 3xBOB 1xBIS)

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Arabella 1*M EX91 (1xBIS - littermate sister to GCH WBF Unpresidented EEEE92!)

SS: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B VVV89



Drewem BA Khameleon

DOB: 2/28/25

Dam: Drewem TRD Kitana Khan (1xGCH 1xBIS)
DD: GCH Gypsy Moon Maiko *M EEEE90
DS: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (1xBBIS)


Sire: Sunny Daze AR Best of All *B

SD: Sunny Daze Banana Baby 5*M

SS: Winning Streak R Axl Rose *B​​



Drewem RR Chikorita

DOB: 2/26/25

Dam: Drewem TRD BellSprout (1xGCH)

DD: Merrytale SS Myra Belle (1xGCH)

DS: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (1xBIS)


Sire: Winning Streak R Regal Rose *B

SD: GCH Wood Bridge Farm Hnysucklerose 3*M (3rd/3rd udder 2021 ADGA Nationals)

SS: GCH Winning Streak O Remarkable *B VVE89​​



Drewem RB Cool Beans

DOB: 3/13/25

Dam: Drewem TRD Magic Bean (3xRsGCH)

DD: GCH Merrytale SS Magic Mirror 8*M VVVE87 FF Score (8xBOB 2xBIS)

DS: GCH Hilltown Meadows The Real Deal *B (1xBIS)


Sire: Hidden Hills Raise the Bar *B

SD: GCH Hidden Hills HB River Blossom 8*M EEEE91

SS: Winning Streak CM Astonishing *B (full brother to GCH Marvelous EEEE92!)



Better Wayz SM Fizzy Pop

DOB: 3/18/25

Dam: Better Wayz Izzy 4*M EX90​

DD: SG Better Wayz Isabelle 3*M EEEE92

DS: Better Wayz Sirocco's Legacy +*B

Sire: Better Wayz Swiss Mister *B

SD: SG Better Wayz SwissMiss Carabear 3*M EX92 ELITE

SS: Better Wayz Is a Hunk *B



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